Saturday 16 March 2019

Typical hypocrite leftists, OPENLY call for violence against people with Right wing opinions

This anarchist page despite having the audacity to regularly call Golden Dawn ''violent'', regularly condones political leftist violence itself.

After the Christchurch attacks, which we condemn, the hypocrite leftists and Moslems came out to attack anyone with a Right Wing view, or simply anyone that wasn't pro flooding Western countries with Moslems, as being responsible for the Christchurch attacks, through their opinions.  This is despite as we've seen, statistically over 75% of all deaths world wide as a result of terrorism, are at the hands of political Leftists and especially Moslems. 

After Australian Senator, Fraser Anning had an opinion they didn't like, some castrated soy boy (who wanted to stick up for Moslems, despite Moslems would never stick up for him in return) got violent, and decided to attack a 70 year old Mr Anning, by egging him.  The kid than got humiliated by being slapped by Mr Anning, and than taken down by Anning's supporters until police came.  Despite the kid being slapped and taken down, leftists somehow considered this a victory? lol 

Anyways... The leftists on social media like they always have, showed their true selves as usual, by condoning this attack on Fraser Anning, despite criticizing political violence only a bit earlier....

Centre left, and far leftists openly calling for violence, against people with ''Nazi'' views.  Remember, even those who support Trump, they call ''Nazis''.   
Also Twitter itself supports political violence, as it leaves the hash tag in full view, and won't take it down.

Can you imagine if a mass of Far Right people were openly calling for violence over social media, against people they disagreed with?  The fake news media, Police and Leftists would be screeching for mass bannings.  Twitter and (((Faceberg))) would ban anyone with a Right Win opinion they don't like, just like they already have.
But despite these Anti-Golden Dawn pages, and centre leftists often calling for violence against people they disagree with, don't expect (((Faceberg))) or twitter, to ban anyone, let alone the ASIO to declare these anarchists groups, as terrorists groups, despite them often calling for violent acts, openly over social media.  Remember, the police and globalist governments, are openly backing these leftist terrorists, and using them as pawns against those who are anti-Globalist.  One of many, many examples of that, can be seen here and here.

Of course to make things worse, police decided to not even charge the brat who egged Fraser Anning.  And laughably, liberals and anarchists were calling for Mr Anning to be charged for slapping the violent leftist - Which simply translates to:  Liberals and Far Leftists want to commit violence against people that they don't agree with, without the fear of any consequences or retaliation.
Sorry, but real life doesn't work like that.

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