Wednesday 3 May 2017

Muslim factions clash over control of Athenian mosque

Another day of bliss in the multicultural experiment of ‘modern & progressive’ Greece, as warring Sunni and Shiite tribes begin to clash over control of Athens first Mosque.

In the past, Athens has seen turf wars between Pakistanis & Afghans, as well as Syrian refugees competing with the older Albanian & Gypsy drug pushers for territory. This latest clash is a different form of conflict, as it involves higher profile community leaders of Muslims who are currently occupying Greece.

While we may expect law suits or perhaps even political intervention, Muslims tribes begin to dominate for influence in the administration & operation of the mosque. This is the same mosque that is being funded by the bankrupt regime that currently governs Greece, a regime that is building grand places of worship for invaders while their own folk sink further below the poverty line.

How does a Greek plutocrat from New Democracy or Syriza sleep easy at night, knowing millions of Euro are being spent on appeasing Muslims, while Greeks literally starve on the streets? This is not a question of simply ‘poor bureaucracy’ or ‘uncontrolled government spending’, but a clear attempt at policy that paves the way for replacing indigenous Greeks with a new breed of ‘economic unit’ which works for less money & benefits.

This mosque is part of a greater plan to see Greece once again full under Islamic domination (as if 400 years wasn’t enough!), and Muslim factions are keen to be at the helm of this first Mosque. All the pieces of this mess would also suggest that funding for the Sunni faction is coming directly from Turkey or the Gulf States (particularly Saudi Arabia) as they have historically done in the recent past, meaning we can also expect more  radicalisation to take place in this new mosque.

1 comment:

  1. Instead of building a mosque for these illegal sand niggers,why doesn't the useless politicians in Athens buy them a one way ticket to where ever they came from?


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