Sunday 30 May 2021



Once again as every year Golden Dawn was present at the site where the statue of the last Emperor of Constantinople Constantinos Paleologos is located in Mystras Greece.
Dozens of Comrades from the Peloponnese paid tribute to the last Emperor of Constantinople and proved that as long as there are Golden Dawners , The HISTORY OF GREECE will ALWAYS be alive.

The event was opened by Comrade 
Nikolaos Lymperopoulos with the history of that time.

Immediately after, Comrade Agis Fotopoulos spoke, referring to today and the war that our Leader, 
Nikolaos .G Michaloliakos and our Movement are still facing.

This was followed by the laying of wreaths on behalf of the General Secretary of Golden Dawn N.G Michaloliakos , by the regional councilor Dimitris Tzembetzi .

The event then followed by closing with the Hellenic National Anthem and the Anthem of our Movement.

After the end of the event, an informative action and march took place throughout the area.

An event was also held in Australia's Sydney's Hyde Park  by Comrades , showing that there are Golden Dawner's EVERYWHERE!

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