Tuesday 13 November 2018

“Greeks by the right of blood, not the right of soil” according to 75% of Greek Population! An article by Nikolaos Michaloliakos

Is a Bengal Tiger from India, born and kept in a zoo in Siberia, a Siberian Tiger all of the sudden?  Didn't think so.

Article by the Secretary General of Golden Dawn, Nikolaos Michaloliakos, in the national newspaper “Forward” (“Empros”)

Greece resists, Greeks battle against the last attack of the so called “enlightenment”, the Globalization, the aspiring to destroy the Nations and the Homelands, the Religion and the Faith, and the Morals of People.

All these according to the research of an American company of political enquiries, the “Pew Research Center”. This research took place during the period 2015-2017 among 56.000 citizens of 34 states of Europe and was published on Monday the 29th of October of 2018. Naturally, this researched was not presented by any small or big television station, since the results, regarding Greece, literally crush a long and quite expensive propaganda, whose main cause was the conversion of Greeks into “cosmopolitans” without national origin, religion, family or pride for the superiority of Greek civilization.

This “antiracist” propaganda is not a “phenomenon” of the last few years, the years of the left governance, but is a phenomenon of the past decades. Loads of massive propaganda at the television stations, newspapers, radio stations, Universities and schools attempted to turn Greeks into citizens of a multicultural society. Well, they utterly failed. For instance, in the question whether there is God or not, Greeks answer YES, in a state where the governors declare to be atheists.

This research indicates that the relics of Marxism constitute a dreary minority among Greeks. However, while in Greece the trend of atheism is almost non-existent, in other “civilized” and “progressive” countries this trend is more than existent. For example in Sweden only 36% of people claim to believe in God.

Another question of this political research that reveals the zero results of the antinational propaganda of Marxists and liberals concerns the superiority of Greek civilization. Well, Greeks in an overwhelming rate of 89%, answer that the Greek civilization is the supreme civilization of humanity! In the meantime, in the schools and the Universities of this country our youth is forced to believe that all the civilizations are equal. 

The millions of Soros have proved to be a total waste, Greeks still resist. Another significant fact concerns the religious views of Greeks, since 76% of Greeks believe that true Greeks are only Christian Greeks. This answer crashes the propaganda and even more the legislations of the Marxists and liberals in this country. Also, only 31% of Greeks would accept in their family a muslim… Regarding the “pact of same-sex cohabitation”, 70% of Greeks are opposed, while 52% of Greeks supports the criminalization of abortions. Sadly these rates can be found only in Greece among the states of Europe. The only exception lies to the people of Eastern Europe (Russians etc.), who also resist to the propaganda of Globalization.

The last but most important result of this research is the fact that 74% of Greeks believe that origin-blood and nationality are identical concepts. When the Comrades of Golden Dawn insist that we are “Greeks by the right of blood, not the right of soil”, they express the will of the vast majority of Greeks.

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