Friday 26 October 2018

An answer regarding the “far-right horror”- Article of Nikolaos Michaloliakos

At Saturday October 13 of 2018, Golden Dawn organized an event for the five years since the beginning of the political conspiracy for the elimination of our Movement. Their failure is proven by the presence in that event of hundreds Nationalists, proud men and women who keep following GOLDEN DAWN. Of course, this successful event did not take place in the hall of hotel, simply because all the hotels in Athens are afraid to host any event of GOLDEN DAWN! This is their failed “democracy”.

We honored the consistency, the pride and the spirit of those who remained loyal to their Ideals, even when they ended in prison. A day before these events, Tsipras had stated in his parliamentary group that he will fight Nationalism in Greece and Europe:
“In the down of a new era, SYRIZA will become the barrier against the far-right horror and the social cannibalism. This far-right horror justifies the programs against the refugees and the immigrants and hates against everything unfamiliar or different. So, we have to make our ideas a shield towards the growing far-right movement throughout Europe.”
Through our website, I properly answered to these statements of Tsipras:

“The Prime Minister of the Country and chairman of SYRIZA remains loyal to the inhuman doctrine of Bolshevism. What he calls as "far-right horror" is in fact the political earthquake that will shake the whole Europe in the upcoming European elections and will show the way to the Nations of our continent for the fight against the tyranny of globalization, in order to take our homelands back! The "far-right horror" according to Alexis Tsipras is in reality the last hope of the Nations against the global tyranny.”

SYRIZA aspires to dominate ideologically, while in reality this political relic remains in existence due to the country’s deeply corrupted political establishment. Regarding the “far-right horror”, we do not understand what he means. Maybe he talks about the Nations and the Peoples of Europe who have finally awaken and resist to the propaganda and the horror of globalization?  Because the human society of 2018 is indeed horrendous, with the domination of immorality, the decay of civilization and the wars in every corner of this planet. 
All these is the fault of the “far-right horror” or maybe is the result of the dirty money of the liberals and the bolshevists? 

Nikolaos Michaloliakos
Secretary General of People’s Association - Golden Dawn

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