Saturday 14 April 2018

Greece still mourns a victim of Turkish aggression: Dead the Greek pilot who fell in Skyros!

Still a Hellenic Air Force pilot fell under duty in the footsteps of Hero Konstantinos Iliaki. As was previously the case, the debris of the Hellenic Air Force Mirage 2000-5 aircraft that fell in Skyros was found and unfortunately the Greek pilot is dead.We recall that the Hellenic pilot participated in a Turkish airplane attack operation that had violated the Hellenic national airspace, an incident announced yesterday by a Turkish newspaper. The current tragic incident reminds us that unfortunately there are 2 types of Hellenes: Those with the task of fighting and sacrificing for our sovereign rights, and the other, trying to promote the "Greek-Turkish friendship" ...

Golden Dawn expresses his deep condolences to his family and colleagues in the Air Force.The Golden Dawn Press Office issued the following Press Release: "Greece is still mourning a victim of a brutal Greek-Turkish war, and a Greek Air Force pilot fell in favor of the Faith and Homeland in the Turkish airplane crash operation that has violated the national airspace for the last time. Another victim of the Turkish threat was added as a tragic response to those who still talk about "Greek-Turkish friendship''. Golden Dawn expresses it's warm condolences to his family and his colleagues in the Air Force." 

Giorgos Baltadoros


  1. The Turds claim they shot down the jet, is this video legit?

    1. I don't see that claim being made in the video?


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