Tuesday 1 November 2016

Golden Dawn Australia - First National Conference, 2016

Golden Dawn Australia's first Annual Conference was held last week, a detailed article and photos from the event can be found here on our homepage.

In short, the event was a great success, and more are being planned to be held in the very near future. Our conferences will also be held across the country, with state representatives working towards similar events across the East Coast, & possibly extending to regional cities, such as Adelaide or Darwin in subsequent years.

Dates and locations will be restricted to members only. Followers of our movement are required to be members of the Golden Dawn Australia, in order to register their interests for our upcoming events. 

-XA Australia


  1. Great event, long live the GOLDEN DAWN!!!



  3. looking forward to the next one

  4. How can we join?

    1. Hi mate,
      Feel free to call: 0459-290-676
      or email: xaaustralia@gmail.com


    2. Do you offer full time jobs for members in Australia?

    3. There are many members & supporters of Golden Dawn Australia who own small businesses. We have assisted fellow Greeks find good jobs within our network.

  5. Thank you for your response. The reason I asked is because I'm a Hellenic Nationalist in Australia that has spent many years studying Hellenic Studies, Politics and IT. I also vehemently support XA and rather than seeking employment with the pseudo Hellenic-Australian Community, I wanted to put my knowledge and skills toward XA. However, as you can imagine, the moment I become public with my support for XA, I will automatically become labelled a "Nazi", will be ostracised and will be left with no avenues to find any work in the field I love: Hellenism. Hence my anonymity and reason for posting here. If you think you can help me, I would be more than happy to meet with you to discuss it further but if not, I will still remain a crypto supporter of XA until the Maindros flies over the Hellenic Parliament.


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