Saturday 24 January 2015

Michaloliakos Stoxos Interview

Friday 23 January 2015 – 15.01

N. G. Michaloliakos: For the first time in the history of the Ethnic Hellenic Nation, an unjustly imprisoned leader will receive the order to form government from prison.

The General Secretary of Golden Dawn, Mr Nikolaos G. Michaloliakos gave the following interview to the newspaper “Stoxos” from Korydallos Prison where he remains a political prisoner.

A few days before these critical elections, the imprisoned leader of Golden Dawn Nikos Michaloliakos, who is giving a pre-election battle from behind the bars of honour, speaks to “Stoxos”. He discusses the likely outcome of the election, but also the programme of Golden Dawn, who according to some sources will be the third political power in the country and that will constitute a worldwide first… he will receive the order to form government from Korydallos!

STOXOS:     You must be concerned that the entire occupation regime from one end to the other is looking for ways to prevent you from going to the Presidential Palace to receive the order to form government, as everything shows that the Ethnic Nationalists are not giving in to terrorism and Golden Dawn will be the third party… Others are telling President Papoulias not to see you at all, but to call you by phone instead… How much trouble can you still cause them?

N. G. MICHALOLIAKOS:    As everything shows – as you just mentioned – Golden Dawn will be the third political power of the country. I would like to emphasise the importance of this point and stress that this information stems from entirely reliable sources, which we have from within the polling companies themselves. They simply don’t want to publish this information, they downplay it in most polls that they show. I also wish to say that the difference between New Democracy and SYRIZA will be much greater than what the polling companies are showing.  But it suits SYRIZA and New Democracy for the difference to be 2.4 to 3.4 points, so that they can grab votes from the smaller parties. It’s telling that the “AVGI” newspaper published a poll in which SYRIZA formed government independently but then a few days later they published another poll in which SYRIZA didn’t form government! It must help them maintain the climate for selling papers. Golden Dawn as third party is, as per the Constitution, entitled to receive the order to form government. It will be the first time in the history of the Ethnic Hellenic Nation that an unjustly imprisoned leader of a party, I repeat unjustly imprisoned, will receive the order to form government from prison.

STOXOS:     Up until today the persecution and response to Golden Dawn has been carried out using methods that make us think  “this can’t be happening” and we’ve lived it in it’s most unreal form, whether through the Media – Legally – Politically… What makes you believe that these tactics will not be used by the occupation regime after the 25th of January and how will the non-existent “proof” be dealt with by the legal system?

N.G.MICHALOLIAKOS:    There comes a time for the truth. It’s no accident that all the “trustworthy” court reporters were writing that our trial will happen in November 2014. We find ourselves in January of 2015 and we haven’t even seen even the announcement of a hearing date from the court. This means that there is a failing in the persecution against us, that somewhere there are great difficulties and obstacles in order for them to find us guilty. Whatever they may do however, the hour of truth will come. And in a public trial, where all the false witnesses will come and all the details of their political conspiracy will be revealed, that’s when the truth will shine and we will be pronounced innocent. It’s apparent that most of the false witnesses have been proven to be false through the details of their own statements. I’ll give you an example. There have been four investigations, two in monasteries, one in a storage facility and one in residential homes. These four investigations were carried out on the testimony of the false witnesses who claimed that there would be weapons stored there. Nothing was found. Another lie that was disproven was the “black cash”, the anonymous donors, multi-millionaires etc. This “Days of Golden Dawn” soap opera that all the television stations played was proven to be a big lie and that’s why these claims have all disappeared recently from our TV screens.

STOXOS:     The main message of your election programme is “the thieves in prison, the Hellenes in power”

N.G.MICHALOLIAKOS:    It’s not our slogan. It’s a desire that the entire Hellenic people shout, who have found themselves in a state of poverty, misery, decline and all that they want is justice. Those who have stolen should be imprisoned, what they stole should be found. However as you are all well aware, nothing has happened about this issue. So that’s why it’s not our slogan, it’s the demand of the whole nation. The thieves should go to prison. The people also demand that real Hellenes should finally govern Hellas and not the lackeys of foreign embassies who serve foreign interests.

STOXOS:     In its election programme, Golden Dawn makes clear that it is necessary to prepare for a return to the drachma and that a return to Hellenic primary industry production is the most important issue above all. How possible is a sudden exit from the euro and especially – because this is our fundamental interest- what repercussions will the social and economic crisis that this would create have for our National issues?

N.G.MICHALOLIAKOS:    A return to the drachma from one moment to the next is not possible and importantly it’s not in the interest of the European Union itself. I had mentioned it in parliament on the day before the prime minister Antonis Samaras was due to attend a leadership summit, an important meeting, where according to the formal details given by international brokers and published by international newspapers, that the exit of Hellas from the Eurozone would result in a seventeen billion, two hundred million dollar catastrophe. This would be due to the fact that in the monetary fraud that is virtual currency everything is interdependent. A return to the drachma for us would definitely be in the national interest, only if however we had a national economy and only if we could capitalise on our energy deposits, our petrol and our natural gas. We could develop our agriculture where the EU had criminally interfered and abandoned development, Hellenes could return to this abandoned field and we could become a self - sufficient country. Whoever has the right to decide their monetary politics, to have their own currency, is also nationally free.

STOXOS:     If a SYRIZA government does a backflip, (which you believe) then doesn’t something have to give in its core in order for it to survive? For instance the separation of church and state, disarming the police force, vote to the illegal immigrants and I won’t mention other more extreme and deep communistic policies which we’ve heard from them. Can these all be opposed through the Parliament?

N.G.MICHALOLIAKOS:    Look, nothing of what you’ve mentioned just now is going to happen in the immediate future. SYRIZA will be a totally memorandum-focussed government, which their leaders have publically confirmed. They won’t do anything, not disarm the police, or give citizenship to the illegals straight away. A governing SYRIZA government, I would say, would be a political gift to the fatherland, as it would take the Left fifty years backwards.

STOXOS:     A few days ago you were accused of having Macronisia (political prisons) and of referring to illegal immigrants as “invaders” in your election programme. In view of these criticisms, do you believe that Hellas can be saved, even though the voices of the “immigrationists” continue?

N.G.MICHALOLIAKOS:    Of course this is a very serious problem. It’s a problem of national survival. Hellas is dying demographically, there are public schools where in classes of twenty students, the Hellenes number – at most - four. It’s a serious problem that must be addressed. In our programme we don’t talk about military camps, we talk about special areas of detention for illegal immigrants and their repatriation. For us the question of illegal immigrants is much more important than any economic development, it’s a matter of our Ethnic survival. More Hellenes, less illegal immigrants. That will save the fatherland.

STOXOS:     Your policy to write off the debt of farmers also raised eyebrows, as it had occurred at another time in our country’s history, during the Seven-year government (Prime Minister / Colonel George Papadopoulos). Can you explain to us, so that people can understand, exactly how this will work?

N.G.MICHALOLIAKOS:    If you have a look at our nation’s balance of trade, you’ll see that we expend tremendous, unimaginable amounts on importing goods of primary industry, on whatever relates to the issue of sustenance, to farming and agricultural goods. It is imperative that we return to our primary industry. To self-sufficiency. For this to happen we have to give incentives to those who have remained farmers, but also to those who wish to become farmers, so we can emphasise a new beginning in agricultural production. In this way, as first measure, by writing off the loans of farmers, it will help give incentives to those who are in this area of primary production and to those who wish to become involved.

STOXOS:     We strongly resisted, in the entire pre-election period, every chance to promote candidates to the point of misunderstanding and that’s because we believed, but also the base and leadership of the Ethnic Nationalists, that in every case we must put the imprisoned and falsely accused Members of Parliament of Golden Dawn first. This was the decision of the council of Golden Dawn. Can we clarify this point in closing?

N.G.MICHALOLIAKOS:    Before I come to this matter let me make one thing clear. It depresses us that in the entire course of this election campaign, national matters have not been mentioned even once. National issues are totally missing from public discussion. The only ones who could have brought it up are the Members of Parliament for Golden Dawn and our candidates, and that’s why they’ve been snubbed. There is no mention whatsoever. Serious developments are happening in Cyprus, trespassing on the national rule of a sovereign nation from the Turkish provocations in the Aegean, from the actions of the Turkish agents in Thrace, from the abandonment of the Hellenes of Northern Epirus, to the selling out of the name of Macedonia. This is a major issue and it shows how indifferent they are on national issues, those who rule this country.
On the question that you mentioned, we believe that it’s a matter of moral discipline that the people who are elected representatives, and who find themselves in prison or on trial should be re-elected. That is the policy of Golden Dawn.  

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