Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Thousands of Golden Dawn protesters send strong message to the Samaras junta - we will not fold!

It is now a year since the corrupt Samaras junta began its dirty and ruthless war against Golden Dawn. The state began its political persecution in September 2013 with the unlawful arrests and imprisonment of our chief and members of thea movement based on trumped up charges and false allegations.  Along with the medias endless and ongoing smear campaign, the plotters of our persecution boasted that we would end up with 2% in the polls. Now, a year later, after beating New Democracy in a recent poll, thousands of Greek Nationalists gathered in Athens and Thessaloniki together to send a message to the Samaras junta – we will not fold! Despite the ongoing political persecution, murders, and slander, the Golden Dawn has not disappeared as hoped by the corrupt establishment and international banksters, but has in fact grown, wining the love and trust of Greek people day by day. Golden Dawn is set to move on from the 3rd largest political party to National Opposition, and there is little Samaras can do to remain in power.

The state has thrown everything it has at Golden Dawn, and the Nationalists have prevailed. As more and more Greeks begin to wake up, the corrupt establishment will have no choice but to concede defeat in future elections, the future of Greece belongs to the Greeks.

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