Thursday 21 May 2020

Statement by The General Secretary of Golden Dawn N.G. Michaloliakos – May 21st, 2020 .

Competitors ,
Golden Dawn has endured much and yet nothing has been able to "end" it.

Nothing is possible to stop our fight, a fight that will continue without compromise of ideas and without above all, deals with the quintessential fake patriots who have fought us and continue to fight us.

All those who have left today or criticised our tactics will see from future developments that we will be justified.

I invite you all to a wonderful fight for Ideas and Ideals against a rotten and corrupt System. They're all fighting us, so we're doing well...

Do not forget our old motto: "Faith is stronger than fire".

With this Faith in our hearts, we raise our banners in the Sun and unleash our challenge on the stars.

Those who live, be present at the National Invitation.

General Secretary of Golden Dawn

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