Sunday 24 May 2020

N.G. Michaloliakos : "Golden Dawn will never become a systemic party - It is an Ideology and a Movement of Battlers "

Hundreds of Hellenic Nationalists gave a resounding response with their presence, on Saturday night, to the scenarios of yet another... dissolution of Golden Dawn.

The smiles of the Competitors gave a completely opposite image from the so-called "introversion" that the media want to cultivate, while on the sidelines of the event, the Youth Front met with the participation of more than 50 young Competitors who declared their Faith in Golden Dawn which will be expressed through the upcoming pioneering actions.

The event was opened by one of the members of the Central Committee and former members of Parliament Mr Polyvios Zissimopoulos, who welcomed the attendees and soon gave the stand to the Leader of Golden Dawn, who was greeted with slogans that could be heard out far on the streets from outside the Golden Dawn Athens Office block.

The General Secretary of Golden Dawn, gave all the answers to all the rumours from the past days, where everyone talks about Golden Dawn, without Golden Dawn.

The General Secretary N.G. Michaloliakos stated that Golden Dawn does not make statements of repentance, would never allow Golden Dawn to be turned into a systemic party, while he apologized to the Competitors for the fact that he personally identified persons who proved inferior to the circumstances and their only ambition is a place in the system that Golden Dawn has been fighting for decades.

His stance was particularly aimed at the operation of Golden Dawn and its only official statute, for which any changes can only be approved after a Congress, which will happen in the coming months with the participation of 300 Delegates.

But soon – as he said – pre-conference proceedings will begin throughout Greece and thus begin the reconstruction of the People's League.

The General Secretary N.G. Michaloliakos also announced the next open event of the Nationalist Movement, which brought excitement and a loud applause from the hundreds of Nationalists present.

The event ended with the Golden Dawn Anthem.


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