Tuesday 19 May 2020

Event of Honour at the Monument of the Genocide of the Pontians in Acharnes from Golden Dawn .

At the same time, a wreath was laid and great political action took place in Thessaloniki by Golden Dawn!

The event was held at the Monument that exists in Akrites Pontou Square in Acharnes, Golden Dawn honored the Memory of the 353,000 victims of the Genocide of Pontian Hellenism by the new Turks of Kemal, on the day of May 19th.

The Leader of Golden Dawn, Nikolaos G. Michaloliakos, was present at the event, who in his speech referred to today's words from Erdogan , describing the 19th of May as a "blessed day".

The General Secretary Mr N G. Michaloliakos replied that not a single representative of the political system was found in Greece, to say that the 19th of May is a cursed day, and also referred to the inscription of the Monument which refers to the years 1918 to 1923. As the General Secretary of Golden Dawn said, what many Hellenic people do not know is that the Rebels of Pontus of this Hellenic land, fought until 1924.

After a brief speech a wreath was laid by the General Secretary of Golden Dawn at the Monument and all the there chanted the Hellenic National Anthem.

Golden Dawn DOES NOT FORGET the Unresolved Homelands, nor Those who shed their Blood to keep their Identity alive in a regime of persecution that continued after the Genocide, by The Soviet Regime of Stalin.

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