Friday 29 May 2020

Hellenic Expat Nationalists Firmly on the side of Golden Dawn!

HELLENIC EXPAT’S HONOURING THE 29th OF MAY IN AUSTRALIA: Hellenic Nationalists in Australia honoured the last Emperor of Constantinople Konstantinos Paleologos.
This year was yet another year that Hellenic expatriates not only in Australia but across the world proved that as long as there is even one Golden Dawner, THE HISTORY OF OUR NATION WILL  LIVE ON FOREVER!

MESSAGE OF SUPPORT FROM COMPETITORS IN THE U.S. AND CANADA: Competitors from America and Canada confirm that they have nothing to do with all these ridiculous things written on social media and clarify their position is in favour of standing firm with Golden Dawn:

From the first moment we stood by the Hellenic nationalists of Golden Dawn knowing very well all these years the Struggle of our Leader Nicholaos G.Michaloliakos, which began long before 2010 as we the elders remember. Also we did not stop for a moment to be companions and sympathisers in the fight of our competitors in our Motherland And even more how could we even possibly Betray the blood of our heroes, Georgios and Manos.....How could we even consider to stop our struggle even if we are so far away, when we see the Leader on the front line and next to our Hero “Alexandros !"

The Struggle for freedom will continue until victory !

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