Monday 1 June 2020

Video: Anarchists in the U.S. ask Soros for the money he owes them!

As a Report by Russia Today reports, the right-wing political activist, Candace Owens, has started a standoff with George Soros's Open Society Foundation, accusing the globalist of funding NGOs to rekindle the Minneapolis uprising in the wake of the death of African-American Floyd.

Owens claims that the fires and looting in Minneapolis were carried out by activists linked to Soros, following the revelation by Police Commander Medaria Arradondo that the criminal activity was due to people who do not live in the city.

Can I guess? As he did with leftists, Democrat George Soros pays these thugs. It finances chaos through the 'Open Society' foundation," the activist wrote on Twitter.

The activist doesn't live there! She posted on Twitter a video in which she wants to shoot down any doubt! In this, the masked anarchist-leftist protest and ask Soros to pay them what he owes them. They're shouting, "George Soros, where's our money?"

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