Tuesday 5 May 2020

Golden Dawn stands with the opposing Hellenic People : A large rally against illegal immigrants in Crete 

A protest rally was held today in Souda on the Hellenic island of Crete by Hellenic patriots and Nationalists reacting against the governments attempt to turning there port into a hub for the transport of illegal immigrants from Libya.

The rally took place after the latest statements were made by the Minister of Migration, George Koumoutsakos, that the Libyans who that will be rescued from there war torn situation will be forcibly transported to a nearby port, which in the case of our country it will be the port of Souda.

The gathered made there point , that they would “not tolerate " there island becoming a front of gatherings , as some dark centers of power may be planing.
"We will send the message to the paranoid Erdogan and his foreign and local associates that we are DETERMINED to defend our country at all costs, against the Unintelligible, but direct and formal threats of claim of the three prefectures of Crete. Libyan "refugees" DO NOT EXIST, AS THERE WERE NOT ANY BEFORE when the European "humanists" have been bombing Libya for months, murdering many thousands of innocent people."

The gathered chanted the Hellenic national anthem, while the slogans against the dirty politicians and journalists were not lacking. The Hellenic people are awakening and are raising there banner of the National Resistance in every corner of the Country !

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