Thursday 23 April 2020

Kappa Research: Golden Dawn 2% - The Nationalist Movement is Alive! , even during the era of heavy government propaganda.

One more...CoronaPoll saw the light of publicity today, dominated by the... Hellenic people’s enthusiasm for the governments measures to protect them against the epidemic, although it is highly unlikely that the same "enthusiasm" will exist from September.

Kappa Research's poll includes the intention to vote in the parties. There is the constant large difference between New Democracy and Syriza (41.2% vs. 23%), Pasok and the COMMUNIST PARTY with reduced percentages, varoufakis' party outside parliament and up close Velopoulos' party, which marginally passes 3% despite being on all channels every day and not under any kind of pressure from anyone .

The "dissolved" Golden Dawn receives in this poll, 2% with a "grey zone" (other party / i do not answer etc) approaching 20%! The fact that Golden Dawn, which is completely excluded from the media, receives almost an equal percentage of parties that entered parliament for the first time a few months ago , says a lot! . It is a rare occurrence that a party that has been left (in the known ways) outside parliament, to return to the spotlight, even in a "dead" political period and with the total dominance of pro-government propaganda.

Above all, however, it gives a harsh response to all those who say that Golden Dawn is "over" and those who have rushed to celebrate the so-called "dissolution" of the Nationalist Movement.
So nothing is over, especially as there are hundreds of thousands of Nationalists who will fight their political battles in the months and years to come.

The result of the poll was also commented on twitter by the General Secretary of Golden Dawn, N.G. Michaloliakos:
Δημοσκόπηση Κάπα Research: Χρυσή Αυγή 2% χωρίς αναγωγή και γκρίζα ζώνη σχεδόν 20%! Και αυτό μετά από ΕΝΑΝ ΟΛΟΚΛΗΡΟ ΧΡΟΝΟ προδοσιών και βρώμικης προπαγάνδας ότι "τελειώσαμε" από ΟΛΟΚΛΗΡΟ ΤΟ ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑ και τους "πατριώτες"...
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