Saturday 9 May 2020

New 1929 coming across Europe - Analysts see The Rise of the Nationalist Movements .

The figures given and predicted by the Commission have nothing to do with the reality of things that are coming. In particular, according to its announcement that the biggest recession in the Eurozone (9.7%) the largest recession in the Eurozone which Greece will have in 2020, according to the Commission's forecasts. Unemployment will soar to 19.9%.

The Commission's forecasts for the recession are dramatic. Greece is projected to have a 9.7% recession this year, which will be the largest in the euro zone. For 2021, however, it is estimated that it will record the largest recovery reaching at 7.9%. Unemployment in Greece is estimated to rise to 19.9% . This 19.9% is really a number for laughing or crying. It's a reminiscent of some sort of a discount offer at a provincial department store...

In reality the numbers will be much worse and worse than the worst in Greece because of tourism, on which the Greek economy had been based on is holding alive many sectors of the economy and is expected to be hit very hard by the crisis, for which European Economic Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni said: "Europe is facing an unprecedented economic shock after the Great Recession (1929). The depth of the recession and the strength of the recovery will be different from country to country."

In Greece, the man who celebrated with former prime minister Simitis for the entry into the euro and the Stock Exchange, Stournaras said: "There is no reason to rule out the positive scenario for a 4-5% recession this year"...

From the economic crisis there will most certainly be political developments and everything indicates that the nationalist movements will be strengthened because they will be the ones to raise the flag of resistance against the dictatorship of the oligarchy of wealth and unpopular austerity.

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