Tuesday 21 April 2020

Newspaper “TO VIMA”: "Gather the far right before it's too late !

From a candidate for ANTARSIA to a columnist in "TO VIMA" and in.gr  Calls on the government to prosecute nationalists .

The issue of illegal immigration is open and is literally a political time bomb that is simmering and ready to explode. Of course New Democracy didn’t solve it and nor does it have the political will to solve it. What concerns them most, however, more than the fact that Greece is changing into a country where its people will be a multi-ethnic and multi-religious pulp, is the rise of the Nationalists and their return to the political scene because there lies are not convincing enough with people like the bold headed Velopoulos trying to sell Hair re growth cream .

Thus, in the government newspaper "TO VIMA", an article was written on its website by a fanatical anti-nationalist and a declared left-wing from which we quote the main excerpts :

Lefteries Charalambopoulos: "In light of the developments in the refugee issue, the far right is rising to reclaims it position , And that's very dangerous... We've been saying it over and over again. The situation in relation to the refugee and migration will give new impetus to the far right. It'll make them reclaim a political role. It will lead to there return "on the road"... In Evros we had the appearance of Golden Dawn executives... “They have to collect them now, Before it's too late."

So a Bolshevik calls on liberal power to "Gather " the Nationalists. This is the downturn of the pseudo right-wing of New Democracy for those who voted for Mitsotakis to leave the left-wing establishment.

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