Friday 14 February 2020

The Hellenic islanders embraced Golden Dawn ! While the Communist and NGOs are still crying !

A warm welcoming was given to Golden Dawn by the Hellenic islanders last Thursday at the rally against the Islamisation of our homeland and the growing illegal immigration problem.  
Elias Kasidiaris was given a warm acceptance at the rally by the Hellenic protestors.        
All the local Hellenes from the treacherous politics from the government of New Democracy now directly seek the support of the Nationalist Movement in their righteous struggle.
Even the Communist and the NGOs are still crying from witnessing the warm welcoming and love of the Hellenic Patriots shown towards Golden Dawn .
At the end of the gathering , organised members of the Communist Party of Greece attempted to set up a lousy communication show, but the assembled people reacted strongly against them and moved on .
The representative of the Movement presented in a televised media interview , our proposals for the immediate resolution of illegal immigration:
- The immediate closing of the borders! - Outlaw NGOs! - Deportation of all illegal immigrants!

To view media interview follow below link :

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