Monday 17 February 2020

A warm welcome to Golden Dawn at the event for the Autonomy of Northern Epirus - VIDEO

A strong presence once again by Golden Dawn at Sunday’s event for the Anniversary of Autonomy of Hellenic Northern Epirus , At the Church of St. George, where a celebratory liturgy was held . Elias Kasidiaris was applauded, unlike the political hypocrites of New Democracy who were treated with utter indifference.
On a march we headed to Syntagma Square, where wreaths were laid at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
In front of the Hellenic parliament, the slogan "Northern Epirus Land of Ellas - Thugs - Traitors -Politicians " was once again called out loud and heard in front of the Hellenic parliament!".
The most moving moment of the day was when we held the FLAG OF OUR NATIONAL MARTYR  KONSTANTINOS KATSIFA and shouted slogans in favour of the Union of Northern Epirus with ELLAS 

Konstantinos Katsifas !
Hero’s live forever !

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