Monday 10 February 2020

Elias Kasidiaris: The secret opening of the mosque! All united we must stand against the Islamisation of our country! 

"Greek Dawn for Athens" had the cutting of the traditional vasilopita in the presence of hundreds of friends and supporters in its Athens office .
In his speech, the head of the faction Elias Kasidiaris revealed that the Mitsotakis government is ready to operate the Islamic mosque at Botaniko in Athens .

Mr Kasidiaris is calling upon all Hellenes to participate strongly in our actions against the Islamisation of our country and also referred to a number of serious hot issues that we are currently facing :

- Golden Dawn's standing proposals for the Stoping of illegal immigration & its solutions
- NO to Greece's government colonisation plans
- Any discussion of recourse to the Hague is Unacceptable!
- One way road which is non negotiable of the proclamation of the EEZ and the expansion of our territorial waters to 12 nautical miles.
- "Bubble"" false growth / investments of the Government of NewDemocracy
- Red loans, Bankruptcy and Political party debts.

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