Friday, 7 February 2020

Explosive statement by Deputy Minister Alkiviadis Stefani: 1.8 million illegal immigrants

Located in a village of Lesvos on the Hellenic island of Mytilene was discussing with residents by former Army Chief Alkiviadis Stefanis who made a statement to the local residents ,that they should not worry about the 20,000 illegal immigrants that have come to their island , because in the rest of Greece there are many More!

The Deputy Minister's statement provoked reactions on the Aegean islands, but the most important of this is his admission of the number of foreigners currently in Greece.

According to a statement in Lesvos, reportedly made by Deputy Minister of National Defence and former Chief of the Army General Staff Alkiviadis Stefanis : "In the rest of Greece there are 1.8 million migrants and proportionally everyone has shared the burden . Just in Crete and the Peloponnese, which have more than us, they have been exploited and are working in the fields".

More than surly they will rush to disprove the numbers given by the former Chief , but everyone knows in this country that the number of illegal immigrants is reaching those numbers if not even exceeding the 2 million mark. Of these, about 500,000 are legal, which means that in our country there are about 1.5 million illegal 

And as for Moria, what Moria ? If you see the neighborhoods of the town centres of Athens , Kypseli, Patisia, Victoria, Agios Panteleimonas, Attica Square you will barely see any Greeks  moving around outside In the evenings .

The only solution to this catastrophic situation is for a Nationalist government of Golden Dawn to be elected as Government as they are the only party that will put the Hellenic people first , will close and protect the countries borders and will send all illegal immigrants back to there homes.

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