Saturday 1 February 2020

A video on illegal immigration : Who is the owner of this country?

The big question on the EU support for "migration" of all kinds, under the privilege of refugee asylum, is a central issue for us.

The impact on the Hellenic society and the National body is very important , as also it is in Europe in which we are obliged to live in , they are just as important.

A common point of the 'migration' issue is the reaction of all, but truly all the Nations of Europe. A reaction that the EU chooses not to listen to, but to stifle it by censorship, gag off opinion, demonization, apply police measures and complete obsolescence of the peoples' opinion.

In particular at the state level, the current issue of migration is proving unsustainable for Greece, taking into account the costs it entails and the relevant enterprises fuelled by national state funds, which often managed with minimal transparency while permeable from the infiltration of organised crime.

We must seek to reduce the pressure of flows at the external borders and the subsequent trafficking of human beings. European immigration policy, from pro-immigrant, to deterrent. It is obviously necessary to revise the Dublin Convention .

Follow the link below to watch a short video

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