Sunday 26 January 2020

Golden Dawn flags in Italian stadiums !

Globalisation has an enemy and this enemy is Nationalism! For it is this reason why we believe in the nationalist Idea and fight with every means .

It is not just the exclusions from social media on the internet, it is not only daily persecution and banning from rally attendance , it is not the daily propaganda from channels and websites. Even in the stadiums, if nationalist supporters of a group show up, action is immediately taken... In recent months, a Hellenic Team called Verona has been in the sights of the Italian state. As read :

In Italy there is fertile ground for far-right beliefs in football. Under the rule, Italian groups have a right-wing and far-right inclination, which contributes to the much more increased cases of "racism" in stadiums than in other leagues in Europe. No Italian team, however - not even Lazio - has a more hardcore nationalist core of fans than Hellas Verona. Her followers became famous after the racist attack on Mario Balotelli in the match with Brescia, but also for their Nazi salutes and slogans during their celebrations over the team's rise to Serie A."

As you can see in the photo published , the followers of this Italian group have raised flags of GOLDEN DAWN in a protest of the persecution and imprisonment of the leadership of the Nationalist Movement in Greece.

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