Monday 20 January 2020

Golden Dawn was present at the rally against illegal immigration !

Attendees at the rally. Ilias Kasidiaris Council member for Athens, Trifon Bouggas Council member for Kallithea, Ioanis  Lazopoulos Council member for Piraeus and Haralambos Yiotis Council member for Sterea Ellas.

A multitude of Golden Dawn members attended the rally on the weekend to protest against illegal immigration and the attempt of alteration and replacement of out indigenous population in our homeland .

Syntagma Square quickly filled up with masses of Hellenic citizens who came to express there deep concern about the future of there homeland and show how strongly they disapprove of the illegal immigration policy of the Mitsotakis government of New Democracy that comes as a continuation of the destructive policy of the "open borders " of the previous SYRIZA government.

It should be noted that Golden Dawn was the only political party with a strong presence at the gathering of the rally and was warmly welcomed with greetings and positive comments from the attendees.

Golden Dawn warmly welcomes the gathering of the Hellenic people and endorses the slogan:  "Close the Border "!

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