Thursday 23 January 2020

Turkey thinks they have claim on half of Greece !

In Turkey a map is circulating on social media, which incorporates Hellenic Thrace ,Thessaloniki , Xalkidiki , half of the Hellenic Aegean islands, half of Bulgaria, the whole of Northern Syria, as well as parts of Georgia and Iraq as Turkish territory and also the whole of Cyprus .

The maps accompany a text that states that "yesterday we fought for Smyrni ,Thrace, Alexandreta and Cyprus. Today we are fighting for Aleppo and the Eastern Mediterranean. Tomorrow for Romylia , Batumi and Georgia. We were barefoot, now we're going with armored vehicles." The tweet closes with the following statement: "We do not forget Misak-ı Millî."

Misak-ı Millî is the "National Oath", a series of six decisions taken by the Ottoman National Assembly at its last meeting, in the early 1920s. Kemal's following sentence makes the essence of the "National Oath" fully understood:
Every land where Turks live is included in Misak-ı Millî. With the help of Allah, I will take back Mosul, Kirkuk and the islands, as well as integrate Thessaloniki and Thrace within Turkey's borders."

These are the people that have always threatened our home land and continue to do so , yet the past Governments of Pasok , ND and SYRIZA with there dirty deals and selling there fairytale that they are our friends !!!
The same story continues today with the Mitsotakis Government of New Democracy on the same path .
Only a Nationalist Government with Golden Dawn will defend its people’s and it’s country’s national rites!

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