Sunday 30 August 2020

Money Destroys Homelands & Souls .

"A nation that puts money above all else ceases to be a nation and becomes the instrument of that stranger who holds the money" 

Never in the history of humanity has poverty, poverty and deprivation led a people to extinction. The exact opposite has happened! Wealth, the worship of money as a supreme value, is what destroys nations and leads peoples with a brilliant centuries-old history to absolute nothing.

What has been happening in our country lately is a prime example of exactly what I am claiming. 
The laborers of the period of the Balkan Wars, the era of independence, the period of 1940-41 had ideals and were well known to give wholeheartedly for the case of Homeland and culture. Today our compatriots are being led down a completely different path.

A few decades ago, those who shouted the slogan "down the homelands" were the commissars, who had disguised themselves as... socialist revolutionists. Today, those who shout the same slogan are the big moneymakers of international capitalists, who are struggling to bring in the infamous globalization to the whole world.

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