Sunday 23 August 2020

EU MP Athanasios Konstantinou no longer Golden Dawn !

After the well-known vote in the European Parliament in which the elected MP with Golden Dawn votes and even with crossed ballot papers from the offices of local Golden Dawn organisations ,
MP Athanasios Konstantinou voted against the party line in favor of funding Turkey (10.7.2020) from the EU, Awaiting for his explanation on the matter and NO Answer was received ...

It should be stressed that this vote took place without any kind of approval or even any form of notification was given to Golden Dawn and unfairly put our Movement in a difficult position. All the more so, when Golden Dawn's strict line on the subject was known in a series of publications, NO to the funding of Turkey !

We expected and awaited from Athanasios Konstantinou to correct his mistake, to then explain to all those who voted for him for this unapproved vote but also to those who elected him , certainly waited to hear some sort of  political response , Yet none of this happened!

Then we announced that Athanasios Konstantinou has set himself apart from Golden Dawn.

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