Friday 15 May 2020

Golden Dawn at the protest rally at Syntagma Square against the terrorism of coronavirus (Photojournalism - Video)

At the citizens' rally at Syntagma Square yesterday afternoon, the General Secretary of Golden Dawn, Nikolaos Michaloliakos, was present at the gathering of citizens, accompanied by a crowd of collaborators, among them the former Member of Parliament and regional councillor of Attica Elias Panagiotaros and the former MP Polyvios Zissimopoulos.

Golden Dawn was the first to speak of the propaganda of terror in our country, in the wake of an epidemic and the harsh sanitary measures imposed on an entire nation, which the rulers of the country want to permanentize, ignoring the consequences for our lives and the unconstitutional deprivation of our freedom.

The General Secretary of Golden Dawn N.G. Michaloliakos, spoke with the crowd of citizens who greeted with enthusiasm, applause and slogans, the Nationalist Movement and as he himself told them, he is there not as a politician but as a free Hellenic Nationalist who resists a life in the dictatorship of the corrupt.

After all, Golden Dawn has proven over time that it truly respects patriotic efforts and every Struggle for Homeland and Freedom must be beyond any political parties.

It is certain that in the upcoming coming months, many Hellenes will realize that Mitsotakis with his choices, not only didn't save the country, but he drove it deeper into recession and even in an authoritarian way. Golden Dawn was and will remain OPPOSED to those who continue to destroy our country.

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