Saturday 14 December 2019

Varoufakis: "All borders should be abolished , we are all Bastards and Africans"

The recent discovery of the first European Homo Sapiens found in Mani dated 210,000 years old!

Known as life and the state of his friend George Soros, Who not so long ago had even told Varoufakis how he was worried about Golden Dawn. Varoufakis then said in a recent interview that he started politically from as a PASOK student, in which he was a founding member along with Koyfontina...

Only just a few days ago during an interview speaking on the big issue of illegal immigration, Varoufakis stated that we need to abolish borders, because we are all bastards and Africans! Another statement from a left-wing which challenges the racial continuity of the Hellenic people and to be fair the Liberals believe the same.
The fact is that a multitude of scientific research proves that today's Hellenes are the true descendants of the ancient Hellenic people who created the greatest civilization of the world , Simply does not say anything to these Marxists and Liberals who hate the natural Reality of the Hellenic Race!

As for "We are all Africans", Varoufakis refers to the famous theory of exodus from Africa according to which Homo sapiens were born in Africa and passed through Asia and Europe before 70 to 100 thousand years ago. However, in a recent discovery there was a relative publication in "VIMA" last week, stating that a fossil Homo sapiens was found and identified in the Hellenic region of Mani aged at 210 thousand years old! So what exodus from Africa then are these so called professionals talking to us about ?

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