Monday 9 December 2019

Statement by Nicholaos.G.Mixaloliakos: The New left of Alexis Tsipras .

GOLDEN DAWN points out that the "New Left" of our time is one of the two pillars , Globalisation and this "New Left" , Pseudo-humanism with this false nationalism represented by the SYRIZA party in our homeland.

“ We start together for the left of our time “ was the motto of Alexis Tsipras at the start of the meeting of the Central Committee for the Reconstruction of SYRIZA. A "reconstruction", which seeks to make SYRIZA a new PASOK, a left completely subordinate to the oligarchs of wealth, who made and will make the rich richer and the poor, poorer as it has happened in these past five years governed  by Alexis Tsipras.

GOLDEN DAWN fought these neo-Marxists constantly in Parliament and will continue to give the political battle against the anti-national internationalism of the Orphans of Marx and Stalin. 

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