Wednesday 18 December 2019

Prosecutor's proposal: No involvement by the Golden Dawn party .

There was no plan or organisation for the crime in Keratsini in 2013 or any involvement of the Golden Dawn party, the prosecutor argued in the proposal, suggesting only the conviction of the confessed offender for intentional manslaughter, but the Discharge of all other defendants.

The prosecutor also said that there was no order given from the leadership of the Golden Dawn party for the murder or any citing evidence from the evidentiary process by witness testimony, she said in her speech:

No phrases were heard indicating that the murder of Fysa was ordered... There was no evidence that the Fysa murder was premeditated by the leadership of Golden Dawn. It did not come up that it was instructed by this... Besides, what would be the benefit of Golden Dawn? If the killing of Fysa was indeed planned because they committed it in a central place and not another night in another secluded place so that the crime would not become visible. "

Δεν ακούστηκαν φράσεις που να δείχνουν ότι δόθηκε εντολή για τη δολοφονία Φύσσα… Από κανένα στοιχείο δεν αποδείχθηκε ότι η δολοφονία Φύσσα ήταν προσχεδιασμένη από την ηγεσία της Χρυσής Αυγής. Δεν προέκυψε ότι δόθηκε εντολή από αυτή… Άλλωστε ποιοι θα ήταν το όφελος για τη Χρυσή Αυγή. Αν πράγματι ήταν προσχεδιασμένη η δολοφονία Φύσσα γιατί την διέπραξαν σε κεντρικό σημείο και όχι κάποια άλλο βράδυ σε άλλο απόμερο σημείο ώστε το έγκλημα να μη γίνει ορατό».

More to come soon in future posts !

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