Tuesday 3 December 2019

Hundreds of Members of Golden Dawn attended the memorial service for the fallen heroes at Syntagma Gendarmerie regiment Makrygianni .

The continuation of the interweaving and corrupted channels that keeps exhibiting that Golden Dawn has dissolved was once again proven false ! With with the only political party that had a unique dynamic and organised presence at the annual memorial service for the brave men of the Constitution Makrygianni of the Royal Hellenic Gendarmerie .

The Hellenic Nationalists will continue on saluting tribute and keep the historical memory alive even though as at the same time as the treacherous scraps shone through their absence!

STATEMENT by the General Secretary of Golden Dawn N.G. Mixaloliakos at Syntagma Makrygianni .

On Sunday 1st December 2019, at the event of Honor and remembrance for the brave men of the Constitution Makrygianni of the Royal Hellenic Gendarmerie, Golden Dawn was there, giving a dynamic present!

It was Golden Dawn the only Political party, which with organized formation, participated in the event. 
Scattered here and there were a few of them,  those who continue to throw bile at our movement and whom which since July 7th , 2019 have continued to say that Golden Dawn has "dissolved".

Golden Dawns presence at Syntagma Makrygianni was the greatest proof that the only force in the nationalist arena was and still remains Golden Dawn!

We invite all those who have soul and courage to join and thicken our ranks and fight with us AGAINST ALL for a new Greece without traitors and those that bow
N.G. Mixaloliakos

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