Monday 25 November 2019

Greeks uprise against illegal immigration: Protest rallies in Alexandroupoli and Serres .

The reactions are escalating from the locals against the uncontrolled illegal immigration and the Business of colonisation of our homeland.

Proud Macedonians in the areas of Alexandroupoli and Serres uprised by protesting against the plans of the Mitsotakis government to distort and replace the native population with Gentiles and a mixed race of illegal immigrants.

The Hellenic flags dominated the rally and the people strongly emphasised there disapproval of the treacherous destructive government of New Democracy .

We want our country back and through our national struggles, we will take it!

Θέλουμε την Πατρίδα μας πίσω και μέσα από τους Εθνικούς Αγώνες, θα την πάρουμε!

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