Tuesday 7 June 2016

Welcome Golden Dawn Tasmania

With a population of just 5,000 Greeks on the small Island of Tasmania, over a dozen Greek Nationalists gathered in the heart of Hobart on the 28th of May 2016.  Our Tasmanian comrades announced the official opening of the southernmost chapter of Golden Dawn (in not just Australia), but the world.

The Tasmanian division of Golden Dawn joins our comrades who have established similar chapters in Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney. Nikolaos Mitsakis, a Greek-Tasmanian local, was humbled to be the first elected officer of Greek Nationalists in Tasmania, and proudly announced "The Greeks of Tasmania held high the flag of the Golden Dawn on May 28, 2016. In this first meeting, we say that we will support the just struggle for our Fatherland. Golden Dawn fights for a free Greece, a Greece which only belongs to the Greeks and not to foreign powers. LONG LIVE GREECE, LONG LIVE GOLD DAWN!".

Members of the Greek diaspora continue to fight for a free Greece, with Golden Dawn chapters active in Nuremberg (Germany), Montreal (Canada) and New York (USA). The Greek Australian community is likewise proudly contributing to the movement, and much recent support in Brisbane and Darwin will soon see similar divisions in those cities.  

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