Wednesday 8 June 2016

Jewish puppet Panos Vlamenos asks Ministry of Justice to charge Christos Pappas

The ''Good Goy'' Panos Vlamenos

Golden Dawn deputy, Christos Pappas used his democratic freedom of speech to simply correctly mention, that Israel is a genocidal state.

Now the Minister of Defense, Panos Kammenos, has now asked the Ministry of Justice, to charge Christos Pappas for speaking out against Panon's and the Greek Government's Jewish puppet masters.  

Greek Defense Minister Panos Kammenos called on the Justice Ministry to take action against a Golden Dawn lawmaker after he made anti-Israel comments in parliament.

Speaking during a debate in parliament on Monday, Christos Pappas, from the Golden Dawn party, called Israel an “eternal enemy of Greece and Orthodoxy.”

Pappas was speaking during a debate on the ratification of Greece’s international agreements with other countries. 

“The state of Israel implements genocidal methods and is a regional troublemaker,” he said, according to the Kathemirini newspaper, asking how “a state like Israel could possibly have relations with Greece, which is the cradle of civilization and humanism.”

Defense Minister Kammenos, a member of  the nationalist Independent Greeks party, called Pappas’ remarks racist and xenophobic and called on the justice ministry to take action against him.

Learn the rules of ''democracy'' goyim.  In a Democratic and free speech country you are allowed to have any opinion - Except when you criticize Israel or Zionists.  Learn it Goyim.
- "If you want to know where the power lies, ask who is it that I'm not allowed to criticize?''  Panos just showed exactly who rules over him. 

Article by XA Melbourne

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