Tuesday 8 September 2020

Thermopylae 2020: The Meander stands up high once again on the eternal battlefield .


Two millennia and five centuries were completed this year by the greatest battle in world history, the Battle of Thermopylae.

It was Saturday just before the evening when the purple sky began to cast its shadow on the imposing monument of King Leonidas, which stands tall against time, just as he conquered with his sacrifice the most prominent place in eternity.Soon after, the surrounding area around the andrian went dark, a place that instead of exuding a mystagogic sanctity is now reminiscent of an abandoned landscape.

Where the Hellenes once fought and died for their freedom, today the young "Hellenes" are hosts with the Koran and head scarfs, who are providing all the privileges free of charge from the sad, anti-Hellenic state.

Suddenly, the dense darkness is dissolved by hundreds of torches. Banners wave with force and the Meander stands upright, opposite King Leonidas.

The silence is broken when the young comrade begins the chronicle of the battle , immediately then begins the magical journey back in time. In the course of millennia, the sound of arrows breaking onto the shields of the Lacedemonians and the countless bodies falling to the ground, when they hit the strong resistance of the 300 Brave, still echoes on.

A convoy of armed warriors fight furiously against hundreds of thousands of barbarians, vowing to embrace death for the eternal nation of Ellas. Though the betrayal of Efialtis , however, brings the battle to an end and the 300 Spartans along with the 700 Thespians fell dead . The oracle of Pythia verified: either Sparta will be lost or a king will be lost.

The young comrade announces to the podium the Leader of Golden Dawn. The eyes are burning and the drums echo a mournful sound.

He pays tribute to the most worthy child of Sparta.

Under the imposing gaze of the King , the leader raises his voice and vows : despite the numerous Efialtis and betrayals, there are still Golden Dawners guarding their own Thermopylae.

He declares unrepentant about his Ideas and calls all Golden Dawners to struggle with vigilance , now that the nation is threatened with annihilation.

The burning torches stand for the last time upright and a thunderous voice followed by hundreds of others resonates on the eternal battlefield: King Leonidas "ATHANANOS"! 


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