Tuesday 7 July 2020

Golden Dawn-Australia: Always on the side of the Fighters.

It has been a year now that has passed since the last election in Greece. The non-entry of our movement was described as a defeat. Of course, if all of them knew the reasons we lost, they might even understand that now is the chance to get our movement cleaned up.

Now that we all know who the traitors, the opportunists and all those who while shouting in favor of the General were making deals with his enemies.

So the minor set back was actually good for the NATIONALIST MOVEMENT OF GOLDEN DAWN . Us Hellenic Nationalist abroad will continue to support the Man who showed the way for us Hellenes to go out on the streets proud with our heads up , with our blue and white flags and our red and black banners flying hi .

We will continue to honor our two brothers Georgios and Manos, to feel humble towards our brother Alexandros...


Golden Dawn - Representative Australia 

Email : xaaustralia@gmail.com

Phone : 0403 743 134 (Australia ) - 30 69 56608710 (Greece)

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