Monday 15 June 2020

Nigel Farage claims G. Soros is behind the protests and the vandalism of monuments.

British politician Nigel Farage ,leader of the UK Independence Party , commenting on the current situation regarding the vandalism of monuments by protesters, argued something very logical, that behind these violent demonstrations lies the foundation of the international speculator (but "investor" and "philanthropist" according to the newspaper "Daily") George Soros which funds with millions of dollars the organisation "BLM" which aims to tear down What composes Western civilization today.

More specifically, when asked about whether all this turmoil in Britain and the US with the incidents in the wake of the manslaughter of George Floyd marks the "fall" of the West, Farage, among others, said:

"There is no need to do this. As you've seen, we see anarchy taking on dimensions with vandalism of monuments and statues on a scale we've never seen before, that I've never seen before in my life.

If you look at the media you would think that the whole country is in full support of these actions, because some of the statues concerned some who were involved in the past slave trade .

I've never seen a bigger gap in what the media says, what politicians don't say and what people really feel. So no, I don't think it's the fall of the West. But it may be the fall of this political class if it does not stand up and do what it has to do.

This has nothing to do with George Floyd's death, the horrific death of George Floyd.

All this concerns an organization called BLM which is funded with millions of dollars from the usual suspects, namely George Soros.

The goal is to destroy and tear down what we know about Western civilization.

They want to destroy all our history, all our heroes, everything about our past.

And you know what? If politicians don't stop it, the Church doesn't stop it then something will come to light to fill this void of inertia to stop it."

The... original ideas of the humiliation of the saints and sanctuaries of a Nation are not so original after all.

Such "patents" belong to the... "Institutions" - agencies of the "investor" and "philanthropist" Soros that are proven not to lack at all the... Imagination!

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