Wednesday 10 June 2020


Present at the 1st Virtual Global Forum of the American Jewish Committee (the Zionist lobby of the USA...) will be the... health-correct dictator Mitostakis, which will be held on 14-18 June... digitally, and not in Berlin as planned, due to the corona virus.
The list of speakers includes Merkel, Muhammad Bin Abdul Karim Bin AbdulAziz Al-Issa, Secretary of the Muslim World League, and Benny Gantz, Deputy Prime Minister and Israeli Defence Minister.

According to the programme put by the organizers: "we will discuss the most important issues facing the Jewish people and the world, such as the rise of anti-Semitism and other forms of hatred in the era of the crown, the 2020 presidential elections in the US, Israel's quest for peace and security and the future of the transatlantic relationship."

In addition, the chosen Zionist dictator Mitsotakis will travel to Israel next week, apparently to take a direct line to complete the destruction of Greece and the Greeks!

(PS): Incidentally, in his speech to the AJC last year, he stressed the “need to tackle xenophobia, nativism and racism , which is now a reality in Europe”.

Tackling nativism – which the translator deliberately attributes as "nationalism" – while it means dealing with the local people of each country, that is, national cohesion, in order to prevail in "multiculturalism"! That's who he rules us for!

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