Sunday 8 March 2020

Golden Dawn - Vlaams Belang: Europe's National Forces against illegal immigration

The Nationalists of Europe stood by their statements on Greece's side, on the issue of the siege of Evros by tens of thousands of Islamist illegal immigrants that Erdogan sends to our borders.

However, Flemish MP Dries Van Langenhove was not left alone in words when he spoke of the situation that has broken out on the Hellenic-Turkish border. During a speech in plenary session of the House of Representatives, the young MEMBER of the nationalist Vlaams Belang Party (Flemish Interest) made sure to show his support for Greece and with a symbolic move: he opened a Hellenic flag inside the Chamber of the Belgian Parliament and as he said, the EU must stop succumbing to Erdogan's blackmail and stop sending him money.
It is time to stop the flow of billions into Turkey and use this money to secure our borders and support the Greeks in their fight against illegal immigration!," he commented in a posting on Facebook.

We recall that a group of four Members of the Vlaams Belang Party were in Greece in November 2016, at the invitation of Golden Dawn, where they met with the General Secretary of the movement Mr N.G Michaloliakos and spoke at an event at our offices but not Only! A mixed group of Hellenic and Belgian MPs as well as executives of Golden Dawn and Vlaams Belang, with Flemish MPs Filip Dewinter, Jan Penris, Frank Creyelman and Senator Anke Van dermeersch then also visited the Hellenic islands of Chios and with a view to recording the extreme conditions created in them due to uncontrolled illegal immigration.

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