Sunday, 18 August 2019

The farewell Liturgy of a National Hierarch-Ambrosios:  
"Our homeland is in danger and our faith is persecuted"

His farewell church liturgy he made today Sunday 18th of August, at the Metropolitan Church of Kalavryta, the Metropolitan Ambrosios himself made his solemn testimony of resignation which he also officially submitted to the Holy Synod which in turn will activate the procedures of election for a New Metropolitan.

The National Hierarch, who was honored his entire life by wearing the Robes of Orthodoxy, was for 41 years a metropolitan, having served as head of the religious orthodox service  and Chief Secretary of the Holy Synod and having published many Studies, mainly historical and anti-hieratic content .

But what will be remember most from every Greek Orthodox Christian patriot were his fiery interventions and the struggles he gave and will give for
"Faith and Homeland" (" Πίστεως και Πατρίδας ")
It is characteristic that in his farewell message he says that "Our homeland is in danger and our faith is persecuted."

Golden Dawn thanks the all worthy metropolitan Ambrosio for his services in Orthodoxy and Greece. We pray our church acquires more Ambrosius,
In the spirit of the late Archbishop of Athens, Christodoulos:
"The people who resist" must be multiplied.

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