Saturday 23 July 2016

Analysis: The Failed Coup Against Erdogan

A range of theories have risen recently regarding the failed military coup in Turkey, many commenting on the sloppiness and inability of the military to take power.  While the coup was poorly executed, it did show signs of planning, and in this article, we analyise what we so far know about the coup that wasn’t to be, as well as it’s ramifications for Greece and the region.
Coupes are nothing new to Turkey, though it has been 35 years since the last attempt by the military to take power. Erdogans’ AKP party supporters where successful in blocking the military, leaving 118 executives (generals, admirals, lieutenants) to be arrested as Erdogan retakes power in the country.
Who was behind the coup?
Erdogan has claimed that the coup was an attempt by an Islamist fundamentalist by the name of Gulen, who also happens to have close links to the CIA. Gulen was a mentor and supporter of Erdogan, both of whom had links to Radical Islamic groups and wanted to steer Turkey towards an Islamist path, though the two clashed heavily on foreign policy.
Gulen is unlikely to be behind the failed putschists, as the military made it clear in their statement that they wanted to return Turkey to it’s Kemalist/secular heritage.
The essence of the coup was to confront the Islamist forces that have recently taken power in turkey, particularly under Erdogan’s fundamentalist AKP party.  It appears the same radical Muslims that support Erodagan where his main foot soldiers who resisted the military, securing his seat at the head of the Turkish State.
Would the secular/Kemalist military coup be good for Greece?
A Turk can never be trusted, be they Islamic Fundamentalists, or secular Kemalists. As mentioned earlier, the coup leaders promised to restore ‘democracy’ and ‘human rights’, which is taken straight from the book of Kemal, who preached the same lies while the Young Turks literally slaughtered millions of Greeks, Armenians, Assyrians and other Christian groups in Turkey.
Both fundamentalist and secular Turks have one thing in common – a common hatred for the West, in particular for Greece.
It’s in our interest to see one of our greatest enemies divided, with neither faction securing total control. For now it looks as if Erdogan while take vengeance on those that crossed him, and may be a in good position to claim even greater political power in Turkey.
What was the purpose of the Coup?
At a glance, we can assume the mostly secular military doesn’t agree with Erdogans policy of supporting Radical Muslim terrorists in Syria, while shaking hands with NATO and the Zionists at the same time. This is a dangerous geo-political game, and while the Americans have mostly done the same, the repercussions of such a policy has led to failures in the Middle East. This includes Assad’s recent victories in Syria, as well as Iraq falling once again into Iran’s sphere of influence, which further place more stress on the Turkish military, who also was forced to provoke the Russian state at their northern door step.
Now that Erdogan has won, what is the result for Greece and the rest of Europe?
Never let a good crisis go to waste’
Unfortunately Erdogan has not only come out on top, but he also taken advantage of the situation to strengthen his power in Turkey. With the country only recently slipping out of a state of Emergency, Erdogan can now continue to pursue his goal of becoming an executive president, and now with added justification to do so.
The success of Erdogan over the coup has raised his popularity, as he presents himself the champion of the people. This will provide further incentive to further cleanse the military & establishment of any subversives, and tighten Islamist influence in Turkey.
The Kurds & Alevis played it safe, distancing themselves from the coup in the event that they would be unable to take power. As a result, it looks as if Erdogan has instilled a great amount of fear in formerly rebellious minorities, to the point they know feel paralysed to rise up against the Turkish State.

As Erdogan solidifies his power base in Turkey, he presents himself as a stronger opponent to Greece and Europe, but at the same time, further polarises his own country. Hopefully, the failed coup, particularly in it’s poor planning and execution, will raise the bar for secularists and minorities (particularly Kurds in the South East) who can now better plan for future movements against the Turkish state.


  1. As I understand it Erdogan is of Doenmeh ancestry and his wife is Doenmeh, whether it is true or not I don't know? If it is true this throws an evil dimension on all this.

  2. Problem is the Kurds to the south will be a US nanny state securing the oil and resources for the US in the region.

    Ergodan is playifng a dangerous game. This may have been a false flag operation, it may have been Kemalists or it may have been Gulen stirring up rebellion under the false pretense of a "secular uprising."


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