Saturday 30 July 2016

Update from Golden Dawn Australia - July 2016

Apologies to our readers who may of noticed a decline in recent posts on our site. Golden Dawn Australia is currently working on a large number of initiatives to help with our struggle, all of which have consequently taken much of the time we use to update our page. Below is a quick update on our progress in Australia, post traffic should return to normal by Mid-August

Golden Dawn Welcome Takis of Australia
Facebook and Youtube personality known as ‘Takis from Australia’, is a Nationalist Hellene residing in the Sunshine state. Takis has been chronicling the situation in Greece for years, sharing valuable insight to the thousands of his followers about the rot and decline which has plagued modern Greece.

Like all grassroots Nationalists, Takis has come to the logical conclusion that if we as Greeks wish to preserve our people, our culture and our dignity, that only Golden Dawn has the will and ideology to secure a free and independent Greece.

Late last month, Takis met with representatives of Golden Dawn, and helped launch our latest Brisbane Chapter on the 25th June. In early July, Takis was proudly wearing a Golden Dawn Australia T-shirt, when he announced his loyalty to the People’s Movement for all his followers in a widely shared video on Facebook.

Takis has been incredibly influential in growing Golden Dawn’s support not just amongst Greeks in Queensland & Australia, but also to his countless followers across the world. This includes citizens with voting privileges in Greece, which will help steer patriotic Hellenes in the right direction come election time.

Golden Dawn Australia – Annual Conference
A gathering of Golden Dawn Australia representatives from all our chapters will be taking place later this year. The event will the first of many annual events to come in Australia, which will be held in different State capitals for subsequent years.

The gathering will be invite only (for now) and based on the response from current RSVPs, we are expecting over 100 attendees for our first event. We encourage all our members to contact their chapter representatives, and to make arrangements for our first National gathering.

Soon: Golden Dawn Darwin
Hellenic Nationalists are preparing for the launch of Golden Dawn in the Northern Territory. This will be the first organised Golden Dawn chapter in Darwin, which boasts one the largest Greek-per-capita populations in Australia. 

We have received a number of email enquiries from Greek Nationalists in Darwin over the past few years, and we now encourage our comrades to once again make contact with us via phone or email, to be put in contact with Golden Dawn supporters in Darwin. This soon to be chapter is expected to become official in either late August or early September, with updates to be provided on our website for all our readers.

In response to a number of enquiries we have recently received by phone and email…
The Anglo Sphere is experiencing a late rise in Nationalist sentiment, similar to what has been growing on Mainland Europe since the GFC. With the proud British people making the brave step to deny the Internationalists of their homeland, we have also seen the rise of Civic Nationalists & populists such as Trump in the US, and Pauline Hanson here in Australia.

In response to a large number of enquiries regarding the situation in Australia, we chose to share the following:
  • No, Milo Yiannopoulos is not a member of Golden Dawn. Contrary to his Greek surname, Milo is admittedly Jewish. And a homosexual. We actively discriminate against such people who have no place in our movement.
  • No, we are not supporters of Pauline Hanson or Tony Abbott. While we appreciate the shifting of the Overton Window, we stand by our Social-Nationalist principles. The Australia First Party shares a similar ideology to Golden Dawn, and it is that brand of genuine Nationalism that we wish to see grow in Australia. What we want for Greece, is essentially what we want for Australia.

We are not Zionists, or Rootless Cosmopolitans looking to promote ‘multiculturalism minus Islam’. It is Australia’s European heritage we support in this country, not the Chinese, not the Jews, and certainly not the Liberal party.

  • No,Toby’ is not a member of Golden Dawn, and we stand by our first statement of disassociation from earlier in the year against this degenerate. Despite sporting a counterfeit Golden Dawn T-shirt from Ebay, it is believed Toby is actually half Pakistani (or something?), and was found touching himself while high on pills in a gay nightclub somewhere in Darlinghurst.

The latest act of degeneracy was caught on video, which is currently circulating online. We prefer not to link to the video as it is extremely disturbing, but our favourite ethno-masochist and Anarcho-Cuck Sick Bastard has linked the video on his FB page.

Sunday 24 July 2016

Another Islamic terrorist attack in Europe – 9 Dead in Munich, Germany

A Moslem terrorist murders 9 people in Munich – Carry on, it’s just another day in Habibiville 
At least nine people were killed and 16 others injured Friday in a shooting rampage at a busy shopping district in Munich, Germany, police said.
The unidentified attacker was an 18-year-old German-Iranian who had lived in Munich for at least two years.

The man was not known to police and his motives are unclear, authorities said. No group has claimed responsibility.

Many children were among the casualties.

The shooting comes as recent terrorist attacks have put Europe on high alert.

This week, a teenager who said he was inspired by ISIS stabbed passengers on a German train before police shot him dead. Eight days earlier, 84 people were killed when a man drove a large truck through a crowd celebrating Bastille Day in Nice, France.

A witness who wanted to be identified only by her first name, Lauretta, told CNN her son was in the bathroom with a shooter at the restaurant.

"That's where he loaded his weapon," she said. "I hear like an alarm and boom, boom, boom ... and he's still killing the children. The children were sitting to eat. They can't run."
Lauretta said she heard the gunman say, "Allahu Akbar," or "God is great" in Arabic. "I know this because I'm Muslim. I hear this and I only cry."

Huseyin Bayri, a witness of the shooting, said he heard the attacker screaming out that he will kill "foreigners."

"I heard a scream at first: 'You shitty [bleep] foreigners. I am German. You will get it.'"

Simply, the usual crap from the police and Zio media, when there’s another Moslem terrorist attack.  The guy was Iranian and shouting ‘’Allah Akbar’’, yet apparently the ‘’motives are unknown’’.  Oh, let’s take a guess what his motives could possibly be? lol.  We wonder…  Just more lies to deflect the fact that as a whole, Moslems are a huge problem in Western countries.

Also notice the lie from another witness named ‘’Huseyin Bayri’’, who’s obviously a Middle-Easterner, judging by the name, making up that the Iranian Moslem shooter was ‘’a Neo-Nazi’’.  Obviously this is a complete lie, as a Neo-Nazi is not going to shoot random people and kids at a mall, nor is an Iranian Moslem obviously going to be a Neo Nazi.  He’s obviously said this lie, for his own self-interest, because the fact that this is a Moslem attack, puts his own kind under the microscope.

But cue the libtard’s and Zio-media that always come out and find every excuse in the book, to try deflect that this is a Moslem problem.  Yes, not all Moslems are terrorists or bad people.  However as a whole, statistically speaking, an influx of Moslems in White countries causes a very dramatic rise in Crime, Rape, Sexual assaults, Welfare dependency and terrorism.  So why do we need to import them in our countries for?

But while Moslems continue to commit terrorist attacks against secular nations because they despise ''blasphemous'' secularism, we are sure the secular liberals will continue to stick up for the very people that despise them.  Believe us – Everyone with half a brain knows that even the more moderate Moslems despise liberals, especially the ones who are gay, trannies, feminists, and sluts. 

Article by XA Melbourne

Saturday 23 July 2016

Analysis: The Failed Coup Against Erdogan

A range of theories have risen recently regarding the failed military coup in Turkey, many commenting on the sloppiness and inability of the military to take power.  While the coup was poorly executed, it did show signs of planning, and in this article, we analyise what we so far know about the coup that wasn’t to be, as well as it’s ramifications for Greece and the region.
Coupes are nothing new to Turkey, though it has been 35 years since the last attempt by the military to take power. Erdogans’ AKP party supporters where successful in blocking the military, leaving 118 executives (generals, admirals, lieutenants) to be arrested as Erdogan retakes power in the country.
Who was behind the coup?
Erdogan has claimed that the coup was an attempt by an Islamist fundamentalist by the name of Gulen, who also happens to have close links to the CIA. Gulen was a mentor and supporter of Erdogan, both of whom had links to Radical Islamic groups and wanted to steer Turkey towards an Islamist path, though the two clashed heavily on foreign policy.
Gulen is unlikely to be behind the failed putschists, as the military made it clear in their statement that they wanted to return Turkey to it’s Kemalist/secular heritage.
The essence of the coup was to confront the Islamist forces that have recently taken power in turkey, particularly under Erdogan’s fundamentalist AKP party.  It appears the same radical Muslims that support Erodagan where his main foot soldiers who resisted the military, securing his seat at the head of the Turkish State.
Would the secular/Kemalist military coup be good for Greece?
A Turk can never be trusted, be they Islamic Fundamentalists, or secular Kemalists. As mentioned earlier, the coup leaders promised to restore ‘democracy’ and ‘human rights’, which is taken straight from the book of Kemal, who preached the same lies while the Young Turks literally slaughtered millions of Greeks, Armenians, Assyrians and other Christian groups in Turkey.
Both fundamentalist and secular Turks have one thing in common – a common hatred for the West, in particular for Greece.
It’s in our interest to see one of our greatest enemies divided, with neither faction securing total control. For now it looks as if Erdogan while take vengeance on those that crossed him, and may be a in good position to claim even greater political power in Turkey.
What was the purpose of the Coup?
At a glance, we can assume the mostly secular military doesn’t agree with Erdogans policy of supporting Radical Muslim terrorists in Syria, while shaking hands with NATO and the Zionists at the same time. This is a dangerous geo-political game, and while the Americans have mostly done the same, the repercussions of such a policy has led to failures in the Middle East. This includes Assad’s recent victories in Syria, as well as Iraq falling once again into Iran’s sphere of influence, which further place more stress on the Turkish military, who also was forced to provoke the Russian state at their northern door step.
Now that Erdogan has won, what is the result for Greece and the rest of Europe?
Never let a good crisis go to waste’
Unfortunately Erdogan has not only come out on top, but he also taken advantage of the situation to strengthen his power in Turkey. With the country only recently slipping out of a state of Emergency, Erdogan can now continue to pursue his goal of becoming an executive president, and now with added justification to do so.
The success of Erdogan over the coup has raised his popularity, as he presents himself the champion of the people. This will provide further incentive to further cleanse the military & establishment of any subversives, and tighten Islamist influence in Turkey.
The Kurds & Alevis played it safe, distancing themselves from the coup in the event that they would be unable to take power. As a result, it looks as if Erdogan has instilled a great amount of fear in formerly rebellious minorities, to the point they know feel paralysed to rise up against the Turkish State.

As Erdogan solidifies his power base in Turkey, he presents himself as a stronger opponent to Greece and Europe, but at the same time, further polarises his own country. Hopefully, the failed coup, particularly in it’s poor planning and execution, will raise the bar for secularists and minorities (particularly Kurds in the South East) who can now better plan for future movements against the Turkish state.

Saturday 16 July 2016

Only the nationalist parties in Europe will crush Islamic terrorism

Another Habibi massacres 84 people in France. Noone saw this coming. Who could of predicted this?
Incited by the recent terrorist assault of jihadists, causing multiple fatalities, the spokesperson of Golden Dawn, Ilias Kasidiaris made the following statement:

"Europe is experiencing the most tragic consequences of Islamization and the only solution for crushing Islamic terrorism, is European nationalist parties to take command of their countries, particularly in Greece, where we will not allow the materialization of Tsipras and his miserable companion's plan of transforming the country into an endless hot-spot for Moslems."

Article by XA Hellas
Translation by XA Melbourne

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Anti-Hellenic Para-State Exposed: The Son of Minister Panos Skourletis Arrested in Connection to the Attack on Golden Dawn Office

The long standing links the state with the minions of the anti-Greek para-state were revealed today by the news reproduced by various of informative web sites and radio stations, but probably will be buried by the mass media.

The son of "antifascist" environment minister for Syriza, Panos Skourletis, the 21 year old student Vassilis Skourletis was among the four arrested, this past Wednesday in regards to the attack on the offices of Golden Dawn in Maroussi.

The four paramilitary minions, among them was the son of the minister, had court documents formed against them for dangerous bodily harm, destruction of property, disturbing the peace and defiance.

Yesterday morning, they were led to the Prosecutor, with the presence of "solidarity" from their friends, which were released as the trial was postponed for Friday, July 15, 2016.

The Political Struggle and the rise of Golden Dawn won't be interrupted, regardless of the wishes of the state and para-state!

On a side note, it's interesting to see as usual, Melbourne's Antifa crew of pot heads and drug addicts, ''No to Golden Dawn in Melbourne'', came out openly supporting political violence against those that have a different opinion to them, claiming ''support the troops'', in regards to the four anarchists charged for this violence. 

What's interesting here is 2 things: 
  1. Antifa like to claim Golden Dawn is supposedly violent, therefore should be banned as a political party, even though they regularly and openly condone political violence committed by themselves.  Hypocritical much? 
  2. They claim Golden Dawn is supposedly working with the state, which is just stupid nonsense, considering the state has jailed Golden Dawn, and the media has continuously attacked Golden Dawn.
Can you imagine if a son of a Golden Dawn politician was caught attacking a political rival's office?  There would be calls to ban Golden Dawn, and would result in another crackdown again.  So much for ''Golden Dawn working with the state rubbish''.  Most non-pot headed, sane people realizes it's the antifa minions of the state who are in collaboration with the state and not Golden Dawn.

The gig is up Antifa Anarchists.  When Golden Dawn comes into power, and polls show we are gaining in popularity more and more, all you criminals who cause political violence, and criminal damage will be arrested and severely punished. 

Article by XA Hellas
Translated and contributed to by XA Melbourne

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Clinton Corruption: Hillary’s Jewish family connections tried to profit from Greek Financial Crisis

Trump has rightfully accused Hillary Clinton as been the most corrupt candidate ever, as it well known that her and her husbands ‘Clinton Foundation’ is essentially a mafia style NY profiteering racket, which the Clinton’s have personally profited from at the expense of the American people. While the scandals and corruption don’t end at the Clinton Foundation, this latest report suggests that Clinton’s dirty politics spread as far away as Greece, in an attempt to allow her Jewish family connections to profit illegally & unethically from Greece’s financial rape at the hands of the globalist elite.

As Clinton’s illegal and improper use of her own private server has begun to heat up, more emails from 2012 have just surfaced which show Clinton has been illegally sharing classified information with Jewish connections of hers regarding the financial situation in Greece. Clinton’s Jewish partners in crime include her Jewish son-in-law, Marc Mezvinski (who married the Clinton’s daughter, Chelsea), as well as Clinton Foundation Consultant, known Jew Sidney Blumenthal.

In short, Clinton served in the Obama administration as Secretary of State, where she was privy to highly confidential information regarding the economic situation in Greece. By law, federal regulations prohibit the sharing of protested/non-public information to further the interests of others, including financial interests.

It is now revealed that in 2012, Clinton had shared confidential & protected information illegally with Mezvinski & Blumenthal via email, who attempted to use that information to hedge their bets on a Greek economic recovery. 

Unfortunately for them, the hopeless EU’s information was unable to predict the real life situation in Greece, and the 2 international hedge fund gangsters failed to capitalise on their bets, even with Clinton’s insider information.

The corruption includes the usual suspects, such as Goldman Sachs, who along with Clinton, heavily lobbied for the bailout of Greece which led to the degradation of our national sovereignty, as well as the enforcing of the criminal austerity measures which have driven hundreds of Greeks to suicide, and brought entire families to the brink of poverty.

So far, Clinton has proved to be the rightful heir to the corrupt establishment, as neither of the endless scandals and corruption she has been proven to be involved in have landed her the proper criminal handling which is warranted to such a traitor. It’s inevitable that the system will do everything in can to prevent her indictment, however, the Clintons are getting sloppy in covering up their crimes, and with enough noise in the public arena, there may be a situation where the authorities are forced to act.

XA Australia Youth Front interview with Forza Nuova USA

Forza Nuova (FN) is Italy’s premiere Nationalist party, which has fought the globalist New World Order in defense of the Italian people for the last two decades.

Founded by renown Nationalist Robert Fiore, who is also the President of the Alliance of Peace and Freedom (AFP), FN is a brother party to Golden Dawn, holding equally strong relations with German, Czech, Danish, Slovakian, Spanish, French and Belgium nationalist parties through the AFP.
Forza Nuova has stood strongly in defense of Golden Dawn, Particularly During The unconstitutional political persecution in 2013, and has provided the parties with ongoing solidarity, as well as material resources to assist with our political struggle, such as food drives to help the suffering Greek people who were brought to their knees by the elites.

The party shares a common Ethno-Nationalist ideology with Golden Dawn, and Italian patriots have stood shoulder to shoulder with Hellenic Nationalists for decades as our brothers in arms against globalism, modernity, crony-capitalism and the current 3 rd world invasion orchestrated by the criminal EU. Forza Nuova, along with other Italian allies, hold an annual tribute to Greek Nationalist Mikis Mantakas, killed in Italy During the 70s by Anarchist para-state thugs.

Today we recognise FN’s latest American chapters , who along with Golden Dawn New York, continuing to provide solidarity and support among the diaspora in North American in defense of our homelands in Europe. Joining us for this short interview is Tiberius from Forza Nuova USA, who will share his insight with the local movement in America.
  • Can you tell us more about FN’s ideology? What do you believe in, and what separates you from the Civic Patriots like the Northern League? First of all, thank you for the interview. It is with much honor that we can work with Golden Dawn as brother parties fighting for our survival. That being said, and in order to answer your question, Forza Nuova is the premiere nationalist party of Italy. We put the interests of Italians first and exist to further Italian interests. We are different from the Northern League in that, we are not a civic nationalist party. Civic nationalists basically think that anyone and their uncle is an Italian, as long as they are born in Italy. We know who real Italians are: ethnic and racial Mediterraneans who have tight bonds to the fatherland. Although they may say they are anti-EU, they are more Euro-skeptic than anything. The Lega is not a nationalist party, but would best be described as far-right populists or conservatives. Here at FN we focus heavily on Blood-Fatherland-Freedom. We do not, and never will stray from our founding principles. Our 8 points, which are our basic guidelines, can be found here on our website.
  • Both Golden Dawn and FN are part of the AFP. For our readers who do not know what the AFP is, can you give us a brief rundown of the Alliance, as well as Roberto Fiore’s leading role in the organization. Yes, the Alliance for Peace and Freedom was founded in February of 2015 to unite all of the nationalist parties of Europe. Both Golden Dawn and FN are members. The leader of Forza Nuova, Roberto Fiore, is also the acting leader of the AFP. We already have members in the European Parliament advocating for our party and for closer geo-strategic partnership with Russia.
  • FN has experienced similar electoral results to Golden Dawn prior to 2012, but has suddenly taken a great leap forward in the latest Italian polls. What has Caused this sudden jump, and does FN plan to take seats in the next upcoming elections? There were recent municipal elections in Italy, where we gained over 10 seats on the local level. Right now, we are about where Golden Dawn was in 2008, where we are a boiling pot ready to explode in the polls, but Italy is still a couple years “behind” Greece. Right now, we are focusing on giving food to the poor through our charity Solidarieta Nazionale and providing local Italians with our famous “Night walks.” We walk Italians home if they live in illegal immigrant infested areas. We do this to protect our brothers from the Afro-Plutonic invasion bomb haha. But yes, we do expect to gain a few parliamentary seats in the next elections. We expect to get 1-2% of the vote, which may seem miniscule, but you have to remember we start at the local level and build our way up. Your party is the 3rd, perhaps 2nd largest in Greece. In 2011 you were polling at 1%, by 2012 you were at 10%. All of Europe is awakening as you can see with Brexit and the National Front in France.
  • Tell us more about FN’s expansion into the USA. What are your goals in the States and where are you based? Europe has reached a boiling point. You saw Golden Dawn expand abroad in 2012 and 2013 and now we are doing the same in 2016. Last year many Italians got together and decided that we did not want a world where our children have no homelands. The Jewish people get Israel, Ugandans get Uganda, the Chinese get China, and we Italians want to keep our Italy. With current immigration levels, we will be a minority in our homeland by 2050. We cannot and will not let that happen. Our goals in the USA are to promote Italian heritage, to get people registered to vote for FN, and to send aid back to Italy. We advocate a PEACEFUL protest to what the elites are doing to us in our homeland.
  • We have many Australians of Italian heritage, some of which follow our site and have made contact with our chapters here in Australia. What message do you have to proud Italians-Australians, how can they assist FN and the Italian people? Our message is simple: Act now and save your Italian brothers. Time is running out and we can no longer afford to sit idly by while we lose our country. Do whatever you can to help now.
In conclusion, I would like to say thank you to Golden Dawn Australia for this interview. We will continue to work closely together in the Alliance for Peace and Freedom to save our countries. We are racially very close to the Greeks, so we see you as brothers. Thank you.

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