Thursday 2 June 2016

Official Statement of Disassociation

It has come to our attention recently that someone outside our organisation has worn a counterfeit Golden Dawn T-shirt at a rally in Coburg last weekend. The cheap knock offs, sold on Ebay since 2013 are recognisable by their oversized meander symbol and cheap stitching around the collar.

While the news of the T-shirt didn’t make headlines in Australia, it was used as part of the ongoing propaganda war in the Greek media to smear our movement as ‘violent’. We understand it is impossible to stop non-members from buying counterfeit t-shirts, so instead we issue a strong message of disassociation of anyone outside our organisation, who wears our symbols while behaving in a way that contradicts our nationalistic values.

There are many proud Nationalists of non-Greek origin who stand in solidarity with us, and have every right to support our cause. These real nationalists know of the ongoing politically motivated trial against the Golden Dawn, and understand the implications of wearing our symbols while being in a situation which has the potential for violence, and how this can negatively impact our political and legal struggle in Greece. This is a matter we take extremely seriously, and pay much respect to the United Nationalists of Australia who stand in solidarity with Golden Dawn, to help ensure our political integrity remains proper and well maintained in Australia.

In summary, we will not tolerate outsiders, who appropriate our ancient symbols, and the uniform which represents our party, in order to smear our movement.  These outsiders, be they Zionists or otherwise, will be condemned by Golden Dawn Australia.

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