Friday 24 June 2016

Anarchist leftists once again prove they are the true terrorists in Hellas.

The deadline for the submission of applications for positions as ticket inspectors on Athens buses and trolley buses passed Thursday without a single application having been received by the Athens Urban Transport Organization (OASA), amid fears about a spate of attacks on public transport vehicles in the city center by self-styled anarchists.

Inspections on buses and trolley buses have been few and far between in recent months following a spike in firebomb attacks on public transport vehicles. Checks were first unofficially suspended in the summer of 2013 as authorities feared a public backlash after the death of a 19-year-old student who fell from a trolley bus in Peristeri, western Athens, following an argument with a ticket inspector. Inspections resumed a few months after that but have tailed off again in recent months amid the firebomb attacks.

Bus and trolley bus routes that used to run in front of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) in central Athens have been diverted to avoid firebomb-toting vandals who often use the grounds of the NTUA as their launching ground.

Funny that the same people that falsely regularly accuse Golden Dawn of violence, are the ones always committing it themselves.  

I wonder if Australian Greek Anifa Anarchist groups, such as ''No to Golden Dawn in Melbourne'', and ''Australia says no to Golden Dawn'', who we know read this blog, will on their facebook page, make a statement condemning these terrorist petrol bombing attacks that have being committed by their comrades in Greece, that risk the lives of innocent people on board those public buses.  

Article by XA Melbourne

1 comment:

  1. Id like to see them condem them as well and I want them to post the link on this article as proof. Cause I bet they wont.


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