Saturday 21 May 2016

More blatant hypocrisy from Leftists that demand more illegal immigrants

Greens leader, Robert Di Natale: ''Let these illegals in! - Except where I live of course...''

Leftists in Greece, Australia and the United States of America, keep demanding that never ending numbers of illegal immigrants get let into their country's.

In other words, keep bringing in hordes of 3rd worlders to:
1. slowly demographically replace the European people in those countries and take over, as we are seeing in Europe and the USA., and 

However these leftists, in particular the leftist politicians, make sure that they live in wealthy gated suburbs, where Illegals aren't anywhere near.
Surprisingly, The Australian newspaper, has a great article in regards to this hypocrisy:

Greens MPs and refugee advoc­ates who are calling for a huge ­increase in the humanitarian ­migrant intake and the end of ­offshore processing live in affluent inner-city areas that take just a fraction of Australia’s refugees.
Greens leader Richard Di ­Natale, who is campaigning to more than triple the nation’s humanitarian intake from 13,750 to 50,000 people, lives in the Surf Coast local government area, close to Victoria’s Great Ocean Road. The area settled fewer than five refugees from 2010 to last year.
Australian Human Rights Commission president Gillian Triggs, who has been critical of the treatment of asylum-seekers, is listed as living in the City of Sydney, which took in just 247 humanitarian migrants, and before that lived in the high-wealth area of Woollahra, in Sydney’s inner east, which settled just 14 refugees over five years. By contrast, Fairfield in Sydney’s west received 5816 humanit­arian migrants over the same five-year period while the Greater Dandenong area in Melbourne’s southeast took 3899, and Brisbane settled 3862, according to the ­Department of Social Services’ settlement report.
Former Labor leader Mark Latham questioned this week what the Greens had against refug­ees because their inner-city strongholds had taken in very few humanitarian migrants. “They say they want to welcome them into Australia but they won’t welcome them into the communities where they themselves live,” Mr Latham told Sky News’s The Bolt Report.
In Victoria, Greens MP Adam Bandt is campaigning to be re-elected to the inner-city electorate of Melbourne. His local government area of Moonee Valley took only 151 refugees over five years.
Mr Bandt said his electorate was full of people who had come from all over the world as refugees and anyone who claimed Melburnians did not want humanitarian mig­rants living near them had “not been here recently”. “If the government wants more humanitarian migrants to move to Melbourne, they’ll be welcomed with open arms,” Mr Bandt said.
Similarly, Greens immigration spokeswoman Sarah Hanson-Young’s local government area of Mitcham, in the foothills of ­eastern Adelaide, took just 114 ­humanitarian migrants over five years. However, she said many communities were “happy to welcome people in need”.
“Both evidence and history have shown us that, when they’re given a chance to rebuild their lives in safety, people seeking ­asylum become some of the most innovative and hard working citizens we’ve ever had,” Senator Hanson-Young said.
Refugee lawyer David Manne helped to derail in the High Court former prime minister Julia Gillard’s plan to send asylum-seekers to Malaysia and has criticised Australia’s policy of sending mig­rants offshore. Mr Manne is listed as living in Melbourne’s inner-north City of Yarra, which settled 190 refugees over five years.
Immigration Minister Peter Dutton’s office estimated this week that if the Greens proposal of taking 50,000 humanitarian refugees annually was adopted it would cost about $7 billion over four years, while Labor’s proposal to increase the intake to 27,000 would cost about $2.3bn over the same period. The Coalition supports the existing intake of 13,750, which rises to 18,750 in 2018-19, with a one-off extra intake of 12,000 Syrians this year.

There you have it.  These leftists politicians demand more illegals, but live in suburbs where there are none, or at worse, very little amount of illegals.  We wonder why these politicians don't move to crime ridden suburbs like Dandenong in Melbourne, which has now famously been infested with Sudanese crime, such as house break ins, and car jackings.  I think we know why.
Article by XA Melbourne


  1. Reading an article in the local paper today it said that in Melbourne there are plans to put aside land in order to create an enclave entirely for Muslim communities.Are they serious?Have the local councils and governments not seen the ghettoes in Europe?I thought immigration was about intergration.Not segregation!Maybe the leader of the Poo Punching Supporting Party,Richard Di Natale can move in with them in the future.He to can wear a rag and dress his wife in a blanket and worship a god that doesn't exist.

    1. We don't want these animals to integrate/mix with us in our communities, not culturally, racially or marital wise.

      The hypocritical side of it though, is whenever White Christians want their own communities, with no Moslems or Mosques, their right is hypocritically denied.


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