Monday 30 May 2016

ELAM Enters Parliament

Another victory for Nationalists, as ELAM (National People’s Front) enters parliament for the first time with 2 MPs in the latest round of state wide elections in Cyprus.

ELAM, the Greek-Cypriot brother of Golden Dawn, was only founded as a political party in 2011, and in the past 5 years, has grown a grass roots Nationalist movement as the leading voice for Greek Nationalists in Cyprus. The party has strong links and a common Social-Nationalist ideology with Golden Dawn, as well as ties to the European Alliance for Peace and Freedom coalition.

Nationalist parties are seeing a resurgence as citizens are eager to punish the centre with a protest vote that not only shows that they are angry at the establishment, but also because they want practical solutions to their problems. Crony capitalism, corrupt social-democracy, and an orchestrated ethnic replacement policy under the guide ‘of multiculturalism’ is proving to be un popular with the people, as they now seek to Nationalists to improve the economy and clean up the system.

A small national turn out of only 67% at the polls held back ELAMs full potential, but the 3.36% they gained provides the party with 2 MPs, who are now make a solid foundation for Nationalists to enter parliament, and to shake up the establishment who will inevitably be called out for their corruption, lies and broken promises.

In response the controlled media and corrupt establishment, Archbishop of Cyprus Chysostomos II defended ELAMs victory, and said “I was not expecting Elam to get any seats but I can say that I am content with the results” and “if Elam’s beliefs and actions have the benefit of our country and its people at heart, this addition to the parliament will be good for Cyprus”.

ELAM now has a legitimate platform in the political arena of Cyprus, and will continue to advance Nationalism and Greek interests in the Eastern Mediterranean, and a great Island that we have inhabited as an indigenous people for thousands of years. 

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